The Bay 2 Bay Walk

The Bay 2 Bay Walk
The blue line is the entire 200 mile Bay 2 Bay Walk. I'm doing about 175 miles of it, missing the first sections around the west coast (to begin at Arnside) and adding a bit to the east coast (to finish at Whitby).


Day 6 Snape Photo Special!

So here I am, staying in a place called (gulp!)...

Snape Castle. Eek!

Guarded by the hounds of Voldemort. Yelp!

There’s a gardening club where they dig graves for fun, probably. Brrrr.

Would you send your child to this school? Noooooooooo!

Drivers beware. Aaaaaarrrggghh!

Am I foolish or brave staying here? FOOLISH!

Wish me luck.

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